Extra-Duty Deputy Employment

The Leon County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) administers a program for the employment of deputy sheriffs during off-duty hours for public and private services. Extra-duty deputies are generally hired to maintain order, facilitate traffic flow, provide security and escort heavy equipment or wide load transports. The LCSO maintains the Extra Duty Office which is responsible for the overall management of extra-duty services.

In order to hire a deputy for an extra-duty job, a request must be submitted to the Extra-Duty Coordinator a minimum five (5) working days prior to your event. Requests received after the five (5) day advance notice, are made with the understanding that there may not be sufficient time for approval by the Extra Duty Office, subsequent posting to the Extra-Duty job, and acceptance by the extra-duty deputy. Extra-Duty Employers are defined as private individuals, private businesses and governmental entities other than LCSO. Compensation and/or benefits of any kind from extra-duty employers shall not constitute compensation and/or benefits from LCSO.

The ability to hire an extra-duty deputy is at the sole discretion of LCSO. We reserve the right to decline job requests that may be deemed inappropriate for deputies.

The extra-duty program is completely voluntary. There is no guarantee that your job request will be filled. It is the responsibility of the hiring entity to contact the Extra-Duty Coordinator during normal business hours prior to the projected start time to confirm that your job request was filled.

For officer safety, a minimum number of deputies per number of attendees at an event are required. The applicant may request a specific amount of deputies, however, the Sheriff’s Office will make the ultimate determination as to the appropriate number of deputies required to work a specific detail and whether supervisors are required. Jobs requiring 5 or more deputies will automatically be assigned a supervisor with applicable fees.

The Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to cancel extra-duty details without notice and to recall deputies for official duty when necessary for official duty at any time. The Sheriff’s Office shall not have any responsibility nor be subject to any penalty for doing so.


Business hours: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm - Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

Phone: (850) 606-3308

E-mail: LCSOdetails@leoncountyfl.gov


We reserve the right to decline job requests that may be deemed inappropriate for deputies, violates Florida State Law or LCSO policy, or creates any conflict of interest with LCSO.

Areas of Extra-Duty employment that are specifically prohibited by law or policy of LCSO include, but are not limited to:

  1. Employment at establishments where the primary business is the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Employment involving bail bond agencies.
  3. Investigative work for attorneys, insurance companies, collection agencies, or security firms.
  4. Employment as private security guards or private store detectives other than uniformed law enforcement related employment.
  5. Employment as a process server.
  6. Employment with any firm that has any connection with the towing of vehicles.
  7. Employment of a correctional nature with another agency.
  8. Any other employment that adversely affects the performance of official duties, or creates a conflict of interest in violation of Florida Statutes.
  9. Gatherings or events where alcoholic beverages are sold or consumed where the primary purpose of the gathering or event is the consumption of alcoholic beverages.


The rates for Extra-Duty Detail services are as follows:

  • Regular Rates: $45/hour per deputy, $45/hour per supervisor;
  • Holiday Rates: $67.50/hour per deputy, $67.50/hour per supervisor;
  • The holiday rate of pay extra-duty work will apply on the following holidays:
    • New Year’s Day,
    • Christmas Day,
    • Easter,
    • Memorial Day,
    • Labor Day,
    • Fourth of July,
    • Martin Luther King Day,
    • Thanksgiving; or
    • Any other day designated a holiday by the Leon County Sheriff’s Office. (e.g. Christmas Day is on Saturday and the agency designates Friday a holiday. The holiday rate will apply on Friday and Saturday.) 
  • There will be a three (3) hour minimum charge per deputy for all extra-duty details, regardless of actual time spent on the detail;
  • Cancellations may be made at any time; however, if the cancellation is made with less than a 24 hour notice to the extra-duty coordinator, a minimum of three hours charge per deputy contracted will be incurred by the requesting party.


    1. Contact Extra-Duty Detail Coordinator at (850) 606-3308 or email at LCSOdetails@leoncountyfl.gov**NOTE** Requests submitted less than three business days in advance may not be completed.
    2. The Extra-Duty Detail Coordinator will explain the detail process, verify the detail information and obtain specific details.
    3. Each detail must be approved prior to final acceptance through the Chief of Administrative Services or his/her designee. The Leon County Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to refuse or cancel extra-duty work assignments that are in conflict with the law or values of the Sheriff’s Office. Furthermore, the Sheriff’s Office may recall the deputies for official duty when necessary for community safety.
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